The Players Club

The thrill and excitement of High Stakes poker mixed with the finest rolled Boutique Cigars and you’ve got a winning hand!

Introducing the Bella Dama Cigars ‘Players Club’. The Players Club is a one of a kind incentivized loyalty program designed for the boutique cigar enthusiast.

When you ‘Buy-In’ to the Players Club you will receive a Certificate of Acceptance, a Players Club Poker Chip and Patch, 2 Playing Cards as well as a significant discount on your first Players Club order.

Upon receipt of your order and any order placed thereafter you will receive random Playing Cards. These cards will be used to ‘build’ your hand towards actual Players Club Cash Credits for future purchases.

Buy-In Now

Join Now!

Share your excitement and love of the Players Club with other cigar enthusiasts and you will be generously rewarded with additional Players Club Only Perks. Join the Players Club today…Your seat at the Bella Dama gaming table is waiting!

Buy-In Now

Play and Win

When you ‘Buy-In’ to the Players Club you will receive a Certificate of Acceptance, a Players Club Poker Chip and Patch, 2 Playing Cards as well as a significant discount on your first Players Club order.

Winning Hand

Upon receipt of your order and any order placed thereafter you will receive random Playing Cards. These cards will be used to ‘build’ your hand towards actual Players Club Cash Credits for future purchases.

When you want to redeem your poker hand, please send a photo to for your cash credits to be deposited to your wallet.

The Player's Club

What You Get When first Joining

New members will receive 40% off using the code NEWPLAYER or the coupon code your player provided you with via email to use during checkout.

– 2 x Sampler Pack (2 Ace, 2 King, 2 Queen, 2 Jack, 2 Churchill Flush, 2 Royal)

– Bella Dama Cigars Chip

– Bella Dama Cigars Patch

– Bella Dama Cigars Certificate

– 2 x Bella Dama Cigars Playing Cards